Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Mandy's Second Post: Distracting Myself from a Freakout with Happy Dancing

Short post because I am stuffed. I am stuffed because I have a presentation tomorrow. This in itself would be fine, if there was anything to discuss. The readings were disappointingly straightforward and easy to understand. I have no clue how I’m going to elaborate on anything. I would love to consult with my partner, but alas, she is not returning my e-mails.

I bought me some pretty, pretty gloves yesterday. I have a strange affinity for all thigh or knee-high socks, gloves, scarfs and hats. My new gloves are grey, and elbow-length, and of a sock-like material. I shall wear them with my equally pretty new boots. And I shall be fabulous. (I’d insert a glittery, rainbow-laden pic of me with the words ‘FABULOUS’ running across it here, but I have neither Photoshop nor a photo of me on my lappie, so you’ll just have to use your imagination.) I still can’t believe I found real Dr. Martens in my size at a school fair! That is awesomeness at its peak, ladies, gentlemen and Zoidburg. I would prance around in delight if it didn’t make me look like an ass. I know I’m going on and on about them, but I’ve wanted boots for ages, and they were only $3.50! I nearly did a happy dance on the spot. I wonder if people actually do happy dances, or if it’s just me. ‘Cause I hear a lot of people say they’re going to happy dance, but I’ve never seen anyone so much as shuffle. When I’m happy, I launch into a strange, uncontrolled simulation of a dance. But it could just be me.

End of this semester, I’m so going to upload a picture with at least one reference to every one of my posts. So far, it’s going to be a picture of me striking an awesome pose in front of the scrolling ABC sign wearing my gloves, decorated with rainbows and the words ‘FABULOUS GAWANDA’ in technicolour text.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOLOL I love you, Gawanda!