Monday, August 25, 2008

Hey Everyone,

This post will be succinct because my guilty pleasure, "Home and Away" has returned to TV.

I am just spreading the G Love.

I'm also relatively new to the world of blogging so all you pro- bloggers, shed some of your light on to me.

Samme- Ovaries are not burning

Sarah- I'm drinking vitamin water at the moment

Fee- I would love to join the Kichan/ Chanki bakery

Mandy- It was nice seeing you today in the lecture. Yes, we don't see much of each other very often.

Jazz- I can't wait to see you on Wednesday!!!

Noeleene- Don't stress about the hypothetical!!!

Joey- I'm going to join the new writing society as well!!!

Jess- You have nice clothing. I'm going to try the Green Tea Ice. You should try the Taro one!

Manda- Hope we can go to that Korean quicki-mart soon. PICNIC!!!

Much love to everyone. ^^

<3 Kat

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